Joint press release - Combating the Ebola epidemic and strengthening the healthcare system in DRC: France and the DRC step up their joint efforts. (21 Nov. 2019) - France Diplomatie

Since the outbreak of the tenth Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in August 2018, France and the DRC have sought to work together to eradicate the virus.

With the epidemic still under way, France and the DRC wish to step up their joint efforts. That is why a French-Congolese roadmap to fight the Ebola epidemic was developed jointly by Professor Yves Lévy, France’s special envoy in charge of directing and monitoring the French response in the fight against the Ebola epidemic, and Professor Muyembe, coordinator of the Ebola response in the DRC President’s Office. President Macron and his Congolese counterpart, President Félix Tshisekedi, expressed their support for this roadmap during the latter’s visit to Paris on November 12.

This roadmap aims to mobilize the efforts of French and Congolese actors in support of the “strategic response plan” established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Congolese authorities. It contains three courses of action:

  • an emergency humanitarian response to provide support for actors engaged in fighting the epidemic on the ground (NGOs, Congolese first-level medical services in the affected areas) and step up information and prevention efforts;
  • strengthening the scientific partnership between French researchers and the National Institute for Biomedical Research in Kinshasa (INRB) to establish a network of laboratories to diagnose, monitor and prevent epidemics, and institute a study on the clinical monitoring of Ebola survivors;
  • development efforts to strengthen the Congolese healthcare system in the medium and long term and to support water and sanitation projects, which are crucial to limiting the spread of epidemics.

To put these efforts into practice, France will make resources available from the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Ministry for the Armed Forces, and the Ministry for Solidarity and Health.

France has pledged to allocate €71 million for healthcare in the DRC between 2018 and 2021.

Communiqué issued by the Ministries for Europe and Foreign Affairs, for the Armed Forces, for Solidarity and Health, and of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.


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