
Showing posts from April, 2024

Distinguishing viruses responsible for influenza-like illness

thyroid meaning :: Article Creator Those With Thyroid Issues Shouldn't Jump To Self-diagnosis Of Alzheimer's Is hypothyroidism linked to dementia? According to the American Thyroid Association, more than 12 percent of the U.S. Population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime, and an estimated 20 million Americans currently have some form of thyroid disease. Additionally, up to 60 percent of individuals with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition. Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain crucial hormones. Untreated, the condition can cause a number of health problems, including heart disease, obesity, joint pain and cognitive decline. If an individual is experiencing concerns about lack of focus and signs of memory loss, he/she should also be aware of other symptoms associated with hypothyroidism. These include fatigue, weight gain,

Ebola: Symptoms, treatment, and causes

whooping cough vaccine :: Article Creator Whooping Cough Vaccines Stored In Specialised Carriers, Not 'biohazard' Boxes: Philippine Medic Health authorities have stressed that vaccines against whooping cough, also known as pertussis, are safe and effective, contrary to social media posts that falsely claimed the jabs were a "biohazard". The posts, which surfaced in the Philippines amid a surge in reported cases of the disease, misrepresented a photo of safety boxes -- where used syringes and vials are discarded -- from a vaccination drive in the Philippine city of Caloocan. Whooping cough is a vaccine-preventable disease that spreads through droplets produced by coughing or sneezing. Its symptoms include a mild fever, runny nose and coughing spells lasting four to eight weeks (archived link). The Philippine Department of Health (DOH) recorded 1,112 cases of pertussis (whooping cough) between January 1 and March 30, 2024, a signi

New Vaccines in the Pipeline 2020

acetaminophen for fever :: Article Creator Acetaminophen In Pregnancy: Risks Intellectual Disability In Children Highlights: Acetaminophen taken during pregnancy has potential risk of neurological disorders in children Pregnant women must not take acetaminophen medications without consulting their physician The US FDA and European Medical Agency consider acetaminophen taken during pregnancy, as a minimal risk to children, when taken during pregnancy Acetaminophen, also referred to as paracetamol, is frequently utilized medication for alleviating pain and reducing fever. There have been theories about whether there is an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children when acetaminophen is used during pregnancy (1✔ ✔Trusted SourceAcetaminophen Use During Pregnancy and Children's Risk of Autism, ADHD, and Intellectual DisabilityGo to source). Numerous studies by physicians and clinicians indicate that the use of acetaminophe

Ebola virus disease

the plague 1720 pandemic :: Article Creator The Great Plague Scare Of 1720 'Ermus's important new study shows how a regional disaster that caused catastrophic loss of life only within Provence and Languedoc created novel opportunities for nation-state authorities to centralize power and implement policies that led to trade advantages over their economic rivals. Plague in Provence provided rulers a powerful tool: fear' Ann G. Carmichael - Indiana University, Bloomington 'This authoritative account of the impact of the great plague of Provence in the 1720s across Europe, and even across the Atlantic, makes a highly original and immensely rewarding exercise in comparative history on a grand scale.' Paul Slack - Oxford University 'Based on a wealth of archival sources, Ermus' study provides valuable insight into the global significance of the plague of Marseille and Provence and highlights the long history of the rela

Influenza (Avian and other zoonotic)

chronic traumatic encephalopathy :: Article Creator Sullivan Family Raising Awareness With 'Sullivan To Beasley Race To End CTE 5K' Sullivan family raising awareness with 'Sullivan to Beasley Race to End CTE 5K' Updated: 11:18 PM CDT Apr 17, 2024 The Pat Sullivan legacy continues to grow. After a long battle with cancer, Sullivan passed in 2019. His on-field feats are well documented, but now through his family, he's making an impact on the next generation. Sullivan and his family donated his brain to the Boston Brain Bank where he was diagnosed with Stage 3 CTE or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Now the family hopes to raise awareness and continue the conversation around CTE with the Sullivan to Beasley Race to End CTE 5k. "I want to educate, it's not that we are against football, or against soccer or against other sports. It's playing it safer and kind of doing it at the appropriate time,&qu

Ebola virus disease

q fever symptoms :: Article Creator Q Fever Found On Sheep Farm In Brabant, First Case In 8 Years April 25, 2024 Photo: DutchNews.Nl The highly infectious sheep and goat disease Q fever has been found on a farm in Gelderland, in what is the first case in the Netherlands since 2016. Q fever bacteria were identified in the sheep farm's milk tank during regular checks and are likely to have come from "one or two" of the 25 young animals that had lambed but have not yet been vaccinated, the farm ministry said in a statement. The food safety board NVWA is currently investigating. Farms with at least 50 sheep or goats are required by law to vaccinate their animals. The Netherlands was hit by a major Q fever epidemic between 2007 and 2011 in which between 50,000 and 100,000 people became ill and at least 74 died. One in five humans to be infected with the disease goes on to develop symptoms similar to Long Covid and ME. Over 40,