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actinomycosis :: Article Creator

An Expert Explains What Happens To Women When They Have Pelvic Actinomycosis

Woman holding stomach in pain © Dragana991/Getty Images Woman holding stomach in pain

Considered to be a rare condition, actinomycosis is reported to affect 1 per every 300,000 people each year in the U.S., according to a 2020 case study and research review published in the American Journal of Case Reports. Furthermore, a person can be diagnosed with different types of this infectious disease, including pelvic actinomycosis.

"Pelvic actinomycosis is a rare, chronic infection of the pelvic organs caused by a type of bacteria called Actinomyces," says Parmeet Kaur, pelvic floor therapist specializing in women's health, in an exclusive interview with Health Digest. "Pelvic actinomycosis is caused by the bacteria Actinomyces, which can enter the body through breaks in the skin or mucous membranes, such as during childbirth, surgery, or intrauterine device (IUD) insertion."

"When a woman has pelvic actinomycosis, she may experience symptoms such as pelvic pain, fever, vaginal discharge, and abscesses or masses in the pelvic area," Kaur explains. "In some cases, the infection may spread to nearby organs such as the bladder or rectum."

Woman speaking with smiling doctor © Nata Bene/Shutterstock Woman speaking with smiling doctor

Kaur goes on to tell Health Digest how clinicians go about detecting pelvic actinomycosis in patients. "Most cases of pelvic actinomycosis are diagnosed through a combination of imaging tests, such as ultrasound or MRI, and tissue or fluid sampling to identify the presence of Actinomyces bacteria," she explains.

Depending on the severity of the infection, Kaur states that treatment options may vary on a case-by-case basis. "Treatment for pelvic actinomycosis typically involves a long course of antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria," she says. "In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove abscesses or masses in the pelvic area."

For cases of pelvic actinomycosis related to IUD insertion, Kaur states that a direct treatment intervention isn't always needed. "Women who have an IUD and are experiencing symptoms of pelvic actinomycosis may need to have the IUD removed," she explains. Kaur concludes the interview, stating, "It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan."

To learn more about Parmeet Kaur and her services, visit Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Calgary

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People Are Only Just Realising How Dangerous It Can Be To Use Your Phone On The Toilet

MANY of us carry our phones with us wherever we go - to bed and maybe even to the bathroom. 

And because of this, our mobiles present many hidden health risks that not many people know about, say experts.

Some studies have found our mobiles to be dirtier than toilet seats.


Some studies have found our mobiles to be dirtier than toilet seats.Credit: Getty

According to a YouGov poll the majority of Brits (57 per cent) whip out their phones while doing a number one or two.

It's perhaps not surprising, therefore, that some studies have found our mobiles to be dirtier than toilet seats.

On top of this, we touch our phones while eating, let children play on them and put them down on all sorts of dirty surfaces.

All of these can transfer microbes onto your phone along with food deposits for those microbes to eat.

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Hands pick up bacteria and viruses all the time and are recognised as a route for acquiring infection.

But so too are out phones.

Writing in the Conversation, Dr Primrose Freestone, microbiologist from the University of Leicester, explains which bugs are most likely to be on your phone right now.

E. Coli 

Escherichia coli (commonly abbreviated to E. Coli) is a type of bacteria found in human poop.

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While most types of E.Coli are harmless some can cause serious infection.

According to the NHS, E.Coli bacteria is a common cause of cystitis - an infection of the bladder.

Some types of E.Coli can cause gastrointestinal infections.


Staph infections are caused by bacteria called staphylococcus.

The bacteria live harmlessly on many people's skin, often in the nose and armpits and on the buttocks.

They usually only cause an infection if they get into the skin – for example, through a bite or cut.

The infection most often affect the skin leading to sores or blistering, the NHS website explains.

They can go away on their own, but sometimes they need to be treated with antibiotics.


Actinobacteria is a rare - but serious - type of bacterial infection.

Over time, it can result in linked abscesses, pain, and inflammation.

According to the National Institute of Health, it can affect the skin or deeper areas within the body and sometimes the blood.

The bacteria that cause actinomycosis normally live harmlessly in the body.

They only cause an infection if they get into the lining of areas such as the mouth or gut.


Citrobacter species are commonly found in water, soil, food, and the intestinal tracts of animals and humans.

It can cause nasty urinary tract infections (UTI).

And in babies, can lead to infection of the brain, known as meningitis.


Enterococcus are found in human intestines and in the genitals.

If ingested, it can cause UTIs and sometimes endocarditis, a rare and potentially fatal infection of the inner lining of the heart.


Klebsiella is a bacteria which can be found everywhere in nature.

To get a Klebsiella infection, you've got to be exposed to the bacteria by breathing it in. It severe cases, the bug can cause pneumonia.

While it's dangerous if it gets into other parts of your body, it can be fatal if you're already ill.


Pseudomonas is a germ found in moist environments like baths and sinks.

Horrifyingly, it's also found in cockroach poo.  

It rarely makes people very ill, unless it reaches the blood stream in which case it can lead to septicemia, a serious infection can cause symptoms of high fever, chills, confusion, and shock.

Group A Streptococcus

Group A Streptococcus, also known as Group A Strep or Strep A, are bacteria that can cause many different infections.

They are commonly found in the throat and on the skin, and some people have no symptoms, the NHS says.

Infections caused by Strep A range from minor illnesses to serious and deadly diseases.

They include the skin infection impetigo, scarlet fever and strep throat.

Research has found that many pathogens on phones are often antibiotic resistant, meaning they can't be treated with conventional drugs.

"This is worrying as these bacteria can cause skin, gut and respiratory infections that can be life-threatening," Dr Primrose explained.


So it's clear that you need to start cleaning your phone regularly. 

Dr Primrose suggested using alcohol-based wipes or sprays.

"They need to contain at least 70 per cent alcohol to disinfect phone casings and touch screens, and it needs to be done every day if possible," she said.

It's also worth getting into the habit of putting your phone away when not in use, then sanitising or washing your hands.

You might also want to occasionally sanitise your phone charger when you are cleaning your phone, she added.

Previous research has also shown that smartphones can contain up to seven times more bacteria than a toilet seat.

Those clad in leather cases harboured the most bacteria and even phones in easier-to-clean plastic cases have more than six times the germs found on loo seats

Drugs For Treatment Of Actinomycosis / Lumpy Jaw

List of drugs/medicine used for Actinomycosis / Lumpy Jaw (Face and Neck Bacterial Infection (Lumpy Jaw))


This section has a list of generic name(s) and the several brand name(s) of the drugs used for the treatment of Actinomycosis (Lumpy Jaw) (Face and Neck Bacterial Infection (Lumpy Jaw) ). Its purpose is to provide doctors and consumers a ready reckoner to find the relevant drugs. The information helps you learn more about the generic drug, including its brand name(s), price, dosage, side effects, adverse events, how to take and appropriate times to take it by simply click on the drugs. Plus there are FAQs too about each drug.


Brand Names and Generic Names of Drugs for Treatment of Actinomycosis / Lumpy Jaw Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin is a penicillin-like , β-lactam antibiotic.

Trade Names :

More... Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium

Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium contains semisynthetic antibiotic amoxicillin and β-lactamase inhibitor, prescribed for lower respiratory infections, otitis media, sinusitis, urinary tract infections, and skin Structure infections.



Azithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic used for various bacterial infections such as infections of the middle ear, throat, bronchus, sinuses, skin and soft tissue.

Trade Names :


Related Drugs by Medical Condition

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