Democratic Republic of the Congo – Ebola Outbreak Fact Sheet #1, Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 - Democratic Republic of the Congo - ReliefWeb

From June 30–July 14, the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (GoDRC) reported confirmed Ebola virus disease (EVD) cases in three previously unaffected health zones, including Ituri Province’s Ariwara Health Zone—located near the DRC’s border with South Sudan and Uganda—and North Kivu Province’s capital city of Goma—located on the DRC–Rwanda border. On July 17, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) declared the EVD outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), citing recent events, including active transmission of EVD in eastern DRC and the first confirmed case in Goma.

As the EVD outbreak continues to spread, relief actors have bolstered EVD preparedness activities in eastern DRC and the neighboring countries of Burundi, Rwanda, South Sudan, and Uganda. In July, USAID-supported EVD response partners trained health care workers on effective infection control and prevention protocols in North Kivu’s Beni Health Zone, as well as bolstered screening of populations traveling between the DRC, South Sudan, and Uganda for EVD symptoms, referring individuals to health facilities, as necessary.

Since the start of the EVD outbreak in August 2018, USAID has provided more than $127.8 million in preparedness and response funding in the DRC and more than $8.6 million in preparedness funding to neighboring countries. USAID funding provides life-saving assistance—including infection prevention and control activities, training for health care workers, community engagement interventions, promotion of safe and dignified burials, and food assistance—to EVD-affected communities in the DRC.


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